
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37

Worship is what we were created to do.  It is one of our priorities and key values as a church.  It is an expression of our love for God and a time of self-disclosure with God.  Each service, we provide an extended time of honoring the Lord through song.

In reality, we can worship the Lord in so many ways.  For example, we can worship Him through singing, giving financially, serving others, or through preaching and teaching.  Although worship can be expressed in many ways, this page focuses on corporate worship through music.

Worship Ministry

Serving in the worship ministry is a privilege and an honor.  Unlike most other ministries at Grace, the worship ministry is very visible.  Worship ministry is a calling from the Lord, and that calling can be used to serve in many different ways. 

The worship ministry at Grace encompasses many areas including Sunday morning worship, Grace House of Prayer, weekly young adult, college, and youth meetings, and various small groups.

If you are a member of Grace, have a heart for worship, are skillful with your instrument or voice, and feel called from the Lord to serve, we encourage you to contact the Worship Pastor to schedule an audition. Please email larry@gracearlington.com or call the church office.

Worship Style

At Grace Community Church, we value a time of praise and worship that is biblical, genuine, and allows for freedom of expression. During worship, you are free to stand, sit, bow, kneel, lift your hands, shout, or dance. We strive to model the type and style of worship that we see in the Bible. We also value a worship style that will appeal to a broad range of age groups. The praise and worship time is led by a worship team utilizing a variety of instruments including guitars, drums, keyboards, and stringed instruments.