Why Israel Matters


We know from the Bible that Israel is “the apple of God’s eye” (Deut. 32:10) “His chosen people” (Deut. 7:6) “a royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9) set apart so that the world might know there is a God.  Looking at the Bible, Israel, and the Jews from the foundation of their culture and context will transform your understanding of God and His word.  Join us as we learn how the church can support all that God has planned for them and our role in it as well. Explore the resources available here, connect with some of the events and explore other ways to be involved hands on.



Ray Vander Laan Resources

Ray has unlimited audio and reading materials for free. His DVD study series are available to check out in our Resource Center.

Hebrew for Christians

An in-depth site for understanding from the Hebrew perspective.


During the Spanish inquisition, Jews were told to either convert to Christianity, leave the country or be put to death. This is the story of the Hebrew people throughout their generations. They have been told what to believe and how to live. This has caused them to be very distant and disconnected from any other religion, especially Christianity. The modern, western evangelical approach to the Jews has failed because of this mentality. We are looking for people who have hearts for the Jewish people and are willing to rethink their understanding of the connection to the Jews and the church today. If you are interested in going to Israel to serve all people in the land, please follow this link for more information.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.  


For questions contact Lea Ann in the church office or leaann@gracearlington.com

Past Events:

Israel: Remembrance, Restoration and Rebirth - Held on April 29th and April 30th, 2018.

Holocaust Survivors -  Holocaust Survivor Testimony Night held on January 22, 2017.


Ways to Be Involved



Serving people and communities in Israel by building relationships and taking action.