Individual Biblical Counseling

This is a ministry of the local church whereby transformed believers in Christ (John 3:3-8) who are indwelled, empowered, and led by the Holy Spirit (John 14:26) minister the living and active Word of God (Heb 4:12) to others in view of evangelizing the lost and teaching the saved (Matt 28:18-20). Biblical Counseling is based on the conviction that Scripture is sufficient for the counseling task and superior to anything in the world has to offer (2 Tim 3:16-17, Heb 4:12, 2 Pet 1:3-4, Ps 119; James 4:4).

Grace Counseling Agreement

We ask all people that we counsel to agree to the follow guidelines before we begin to meet with them. You can print and sign this ahead and bring it to your first meeting or you can sign it when you arrive.

Make an appointment here.