Ministry to the Elderly

As members of the body of Christ, we strive to use the gifts and talents God has given us to glorify Him in all we do. We want to show God’s love to the elderly, build relationships with them and each other and glorify the Lord by being purposeful in what we do.

Ministry to the Elderly
Community Time Video

If you are an elderly person, you know an elderly person, or you know of an elderly facility that has a specific need, click on the button below and fill out the form.

Due to schedules and availability, there may be a possibility that all requests may not be met, yet we will give it our all!

How Can You Participate?

If you would like to join one of our groups:

  • Blessing the Elderly - group that blesses elderly folks as opportunities arise

  • Group Outings - groups that go together to retirement/rehab/nursing home facilities

  • Hear For You - musical group and crew of children and adult groups of singers and musicians

Ministry Info

  • Blessing request(s) get sent out via email/text message to members of “Blessing The Elderly”.

    When a member feels called to help with that said request, the “job” will be assigned to them.

    When a facility outing is scheduled, members of “Group Outings” are notified.

    The “HEAR FOR YOU” musical group has a children’s and an adult’s group of singers and musicians that practice together and go out to facilities to perform.

  • The commitment could range from a one-time situation to a weekly or monthly commitment.

    Helping someone unload their groceries or wheelchair at their house.

    Helping someone download an app to watch Grace live on their phone or television.

    Spending time with them either by weekly phone calls and/or visits & prayer time.

    Putting together a newsletter for a retirement center.

  • Group outings are scheduled to visit elderly facilities. We would love for you to join us or lead a group.

    Ice Cream Socials

    Playing BINGO

    Arts and Crafts

    Passing Out Gifts

    “HEAR FOR YOU” musical group visitations

  • “Hear For You” musical group has a children’s group and an adult group of singers and musicians. There are also coordinators, worship leaders, assistant worship leaders, sound techs, and a setup/tear-down crew. We also have photographers, roadies, prayer warriors, solo musicians, and people to mingle and pray after the performance who join us only when we go out to facilities!

  • Group music practice happens the first three Fridays of every month at the church from 3:00 - 4:00 pm.

  • Facility visits are usually scheduled once a month (aiming for the fourth week of each month).

  • Contact Tina Freeman by emailing: for a more detailed event calendar or if you or your child/children would like to participate in any way.