Surprised By Grace Testimony

Do you want to get better at hearing the voice of God in a practical way, and experience the healing that can come when He speaks to your situation?

“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”

– 3 John 2

Slights. Offenses. Disappointments. Heart-wounds. These are all common to every human being. “In this world you will have trouble,” Jesus said. Boy, do we know that to be true.

But Jesus never intended us to stay wounded. Our heart-health matters to Him! “Take heart,” He says. “I have overcome the world!”

What does that mean? Why does heart-health matter to the Lord? How is He able to heal our hearts and make our souls prosper?

Come join us Saturday, August 19th, from 9am - 12pm where our elder of prayer ministry, Ed Gish, will lead us in hearing the voice of God and journaling what He says.


Life Center Building

The Loft (second floor, north end)